UTS Online Polling Booth
You are entering a secure system with time restrictions. If you are timed out you will need to log in again.
Your vote is confidential. Login details used for system access are separated from your voting choices.
You are bound by the terms established by UTS Policies, including the Information Security Policy and Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources Policy. UTS reserves the right to take disciplinary action in any case of misuse, or attempted misuse, of the Online Polling Booth or other breach of UTS policies.
Students use your UTS student webmail account user ID (8 digit student number) and password.
Staff use your UTS webmail/LDAP/neo login (username or 6 digit staff number) and password.
For log in help, contact IT Service Desk on (02) 9514 2222 or submit a service request at https://servicedesk.uts.edu.au.
Election information and candidate statements can be reviewed at the UTS:Elections website.
To the maximum extent permitted by law UTS excludes all liability for any loss or injury arising out of, or related to, the use, inability to use, authorised use, performance, or non-performance of the Online Polling Booth however caused, including by negligence.